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We've seen God do amazing things in people's lives.  Here you can read of some of their experiences.

I have suffered from severe hay fever since childhood, after a Healing treatment my eyes immediately became less sore. Since then I have not had to use my Nasal Spray once and have had no: sneezing, headaches or sore eyes at all in spite of some hot weather which previously made my hay fever worse.

A man had suffered from Lyme disease for some time.  After prayer from two of our team (one of whom had himself been healed from Lyme disease) he was completely healed.  One year on and there has been no recurrence of symptoms.

An unexpected liberating experience.  A great weight lifted and chain broken.  Not a physical healing but emotionally a great blessing.

A lady came in with tinnitus and impaired hearing and immediately after prayer she said that the tinnitus was gone.  She came back later to say that her hearing had also been restored.

In October 2012, our leader Jim suffered a heart attack and had to be resuscitated a few times.  The hospital medical team eventually said they could do no more and had all support machines disconnected from him.  Whilst they were waiting for the end, Jim’s ministry team along with the hospital chaplain kept praying for a positive outcome.  To the amazement of all Jim suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.  He is back leading the team and conducting meetings for Divine Healing.  Most people involved in his medical care claimed that it was no less than a miracle.  Praise the Lord!

The prayer & ministry time was absolutely “spot on.”  A real confIrmation of my situation and encouragement to me.  A “treasured scripture” to me (that the couple did not know) confirmed the blessing to me.  Thank you.

I could feel peace and light during the ministry.  My head was filled and my thinking was focussed and I could feel clarity about next steps in my ministry.  Thank you. Thank you Jesus.

A man came into our tent in a wheelchair, pushed by his wife. After prayer he walked out with support.  4 months on and he has not used the wheelchair since.

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